45 research outputs found

    Relevance of catholic parish churches in public space in Barcelona: historical analysis and future perspectives

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    Knowledge of the link between church and public space remains limited. However, there seems to exist a relationship between the church and the city, dating back to the first foundational temples. This relationship is still present in the churches of the most recently created neighborhoods, including those that are now gone and gave way to new squares, as well as those that were repurposed to house new activities. In this study, the relationship between public space and 132 parish churches within the municipal limits of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) was analyzed, with the aim to highlighting the most representative examples to understand the role of religious buildings in the urban landscape of the contemporary city. Morphological analyses and comparative views were the methodological research tools used for drawing new maps highlighting how they configure urban axes and homogeneous patterns. Finally, we included a relevant case study of urban regeneration, Mare de Déu dels Àngels church, as an example to demonstrate that a church without a square can have one. In conclusion, churches influenced both the public space adjacent to the parish temples and the urban growth and expansion of the city of Barcelona. Moreover, urban regeneration and new uses of some underutilized churches are a non-negligible future perspective. Churches are relevant for understanding the past of the city of Barcelona, but they are also important for the present and future of the city’s public space.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::2 - Fam zeroObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::16 - Pau, Justícia i Institucions SòlidesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::1 - Fi de la PobresaPostprint (published version

    Influencia de las variables contextuales y de juego en el rendimiento de los equipos de hockey sobre patines

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    L'hoquei sobre patins és un esport d'equip amb una llarga tradició històrica i reconegut èxit esportiu en el nostre territori, però amb escassa literatura científica. L'anàlisi de les variables de rendiment és cada vegada més utilitzat i acceptat pels entrenadors i esportistes. Per aquest motiu, conèixer els diferents indicadors i variables de rendiment de cada esport, i la seva influència en el resultat final, és de gran utilitat. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi doctoral és analitzar la influència de les variables contextuals i de joc en l'hoquei sobre patins. Per assolir-ho, s'han estudiat diferents variables a partir de l'anàlisi de les classificacions dels equips, de les actes dels partits i del visionat de partits. Els resultats obtinguts han permès efectuar 11 publicacions en revistes, que constitueixen el cos principal de la tesi, i s'han dividit en quatre blocs temàtics. El primer bloc (Estudis I, II, III, IV i V) tracta sobre les variables contextuals i la seva influència en el rendiment dels equips. En aquests treballs s'analitzen aspectes com el fet de jugar a casa, marcar el primer gol del partit, anar guanyant a la mitja part, així com el nivell del rival o jugar sense públic a les grades. De la mateixa manera, també es mostra el poder predictiu independent de cadascuna d'aquestes variables i quan es complementen entre elles. De forma genèrica, es demostra que les variables contextuals influeixen en el resultat dels partits, essent el nivell dels equips i el resultat a la mitja part les variables predictives més potents. El segon bloc (Estudis VI, VII i VIII) analitza les accions a pilota parada (penals i faltes directes) i la seva influència en el resultat dels partits. Els resultats obtinguts confirmen que el rendiment de les accions a pilota parada té una gran rellevància en el resultat final, i de forma més global en el rendiment dels equips a final de temporada. El tercer bloc (Estudis IX i XI) quantifica l'equilibri competitiu de les principals lligues europees d'hoquei sobre patins, mostrant que de forma genèrica hi ha més desigualtat que en altres esports. Finalment, en el quart bloc (Estudis X i XI) es comparen alguns dels aspectes analitzats en aquesta tesi com el fet de jugar a casa o l'equilibri competitiu segons el gènere de la competició, trobant algunes diferències rellevants entre les lligues masculines i femenines. En conclusió, hi ha variables contextuals i de joc que influeixen en el rendiment i en el resultat final en els partits d'hoquei sobre patins. Conèixer adequadament els factors estudiats pot ajudar als entrenadors i jugadors a adaptar millor les seves estratègies i objectius d'entrenament abans de cada competició, establint un millor coneixement i comprensió de el joc, i així poder aconseguir un millor rendiment esportiu.El hockey sobre patines es un deporte de equipo con una larga tradición histórica y reconocido éxito deportivo en nuestro territorio, pero con escasa literatura científica. El análisis de las variables de rendimiento es cada vez más utilizado y aceptado por entrenadores y deportistas. Por este motivo, conocer los distintos indicadores y variables de rendimiento de cada deporte, y su influencia en el resultado final, es de gran utilidad. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de las variables contextuales y de juego en el hockey sobre patines. Para ello, se han estudiado distintas variables a partir del análisis de las clasificaciones de los equipos, de las actas de los partidos y del visionado de partidos. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido efectuar once publicaciones en revistas, que constituyen el cuerpo principal de la tesis, y se han dividido en cuatro bloques temáticos. El primer bloque (Estudios I, II, III, IV y V) trata sobre las variables contextuales y su influencia en el rendimiento de los equipos. En estos trabajos se analizan aspectos como el hecho de jugar en casa, de marcar el primer gol del encuentro, de ir ganando a la media parte, así como el nivel del rival o jugar sin público en las gradas. Asimismo, también se muestra el poder predictivo independiente de cada una de estas variables y cuando se complementan entre ellas. De forma genérica, se demuestra que las variables contextuales influyen en el resultado de los partidos, siendo el nivel de los equipos y el resultado a la media parte las variables predictivas más potentes. El segundo bloque (Estudios VI, VII y VIII) analiza las acciones a pelota parada (penaltis y faltas directas) y su influencia en el resultado de los partidos. Los resultados obtenidos confirman que el rendimiento de las acciones a pelota parada tiene una gran relevancia en el resultado final, y de forma más global en el rendimiento de los equipos a final de temporada. El tercer bloque (Estudios IX y XI) cuantifica el equilibrio competitivo de las principales ligas europeas de hockey sobre patines, mostrando que de forma genérica hay más desigualdad que en otros deportes. Finalmente, en el cuarto bloque (Estudios X y XI) se comparan algunos de los aspectos analizados en esta tesis como el hecho de jugar en casa o el equilibrio competitivo según el género de la competición, encontrando algunas diferencias relevantes entre las ligas masculinas y femeninas. En conclusión, existen variables contextuales y de juego que influyen en el rendimiento y en el resultado final en los partidos de hockey sobre patines. Conocer adecuadamente los factores estudiados puede ayudar a los entrenadores y jugadores a adaptar mejor sus estrategias y objetivos de entrenamiento antes de cada competición, estableciendo un mejor conocimiento y comprensión del juego, y así poder conseguir un mejor rendimiento deportivo.Rink hockey is a team sport with a historical tradition and recognised success in our territory, but is rarely featured in scientific literature. However, because the analysis of performance variables is increasingly used and accepted by coaches and athletes, knowing the different performance indicators and variables of each sport and their influence on competitive outcomes can be quite useful. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyse the influence of contextual and game variables in rink hockey. Different variables have been studied in the analysis of the teams’ rankings, official scoresheets and scouting reports from recorded matches. The results obtained have been reported in 11 journal publications, which constitute the main body of the thesis, divided into four thematic sections. The first section (Articles I, II, III, IV and V) analyses the influence of contextual variables on teams’ performance. In those articles, aspects such as the game location, first goal, halftime status, the opponent’s level and playing without spectators are analysed. Likewise, the independent predictive power of each variable alone and in interaction with each other is reported. As a general trend, contextual variables influence the outcomes of matches, with the level of the teams and the halftime status as the most powerful predictive variables. The second section (Articles VI, VII and VIII) analyses the influence of individual set-pieces (i.e. penalties and free direct hits) on the outcome of matches. The results confirmed that individual set-pieces greatly influence the outcomes and, more globally, teams’ performance at the end of seasons. The third section (Articles IX and XI) quantifies the competitive balance in major European rink hockey leagues and shows that there is more inequality in rink hockey than in other sports. Last, in the fourth section (i.e. Articles X and XI), some topics analysed in the thesis, including the fact of playing at home and the competitive balance, are compared according to the gender of the league, which reveals some relevant differences between men’s and women’s leagues. In conclusion, some contextual and game variables influence teams’ performance and the outcome of matches in rink hockey. Knowing the factors studied can help coaches and players to better adapt their strategies and training objectives before each competition, to have a better understanding of the game and, as a result, to improve their performance

    Comparação das variáveis de rendimento nas principais ligas europeias de hóquei em patins

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    The present study aimed to compare the rink hockey performance variables in the top national championships of Spain (OK Liga), Portugal (Primeira Divisao), and Italy (Serie A1). A sample of 1,665 matches corresponding to the OK Liga (654), Primeira Divisao (497), and Serie A1 (514) played between the 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 seasons was analyzed. Comparisons were made using an analysis of the variance (ANOVA) followed by Bonferroni's post hoc multiple comparison test. Additionally, the t-Student test was used to compare each variable according to match location. The results show that in Spain, teams score fewer goals per match and in Italy more goals per match. In Portugal, we observe more set-piece shots, more goals, a higher percentage of goals coming from set-pieces compared to total goals, more fouls, and cards shown. Moreover, the performance variables associated with victory were favourable to the local teams in all three championships. Championship comparison enables coaches to understand better specific and contextual performance variables. Our research could also help governing bodies and federations know what competitions are better associated with several key performance indicators and design proposals to improve each championship.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar las variables de rendimiento del hockey patines en los campeonatos nacionales de la máxima categoría masculina en España (OK Liga), Portugal (Primeira Divisao) e Italia (Serie A1). Se analizaron un total de 1.665 partidos disputados entre las temporadas 2018-2019 y 2020-2021, correspondientes a la OK Liga (654), Primeira Divisao (497) y la Serie A1 (514). Se realizaron comparaciones utilizando el análisis de varianza (ANOVA) con post hoc de Bonferroni y la prueba t-Student para comparar las variables según la localización del partido. Los resultados muestran que en España se marcan menos goles por partido, que en Italia se marcan más goles por partido y que en Portugal hay más ejecuciones y goles de penalti y de falta directa, mayor cantidad de faltas y de tarjetas y un mayor porcentaje de goles de pelota parada respecto a los goles totales. En los tres campeonatos las variables de rendimiento asociadas a la victoria fueron favorables a los equipos locales. La comparación de los campeonatos puede permitir a los entrenadores tener un mejor conocimiento de las variables de rendimiento de cada competición y ayudar a las federaciones a conocer que competiciones están mejor asociadas con las variables determinantes del espectáculo deportivo, especialmente los goles, para diseñar propuestas de mejoras en los campeonatos pertinentes.O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar as variáveis ​​de rendimento do hóquei em patins nos campeonatos nacionais do escalão masculino mais alto em Espanha (OK Liga), Portugal (Primeira Divisão) e Itália (Série A1). Foram analisados 1.665 jogos disputados entre as épocas 2018-2019 e 2020-2021, correspondendo à OK Liga (654), Primeira Divisão (497) e Série A1 (514). As comparações foram feitas usando a análise de variância post hoc de Bonferroni (ANOVA) e o teste t de Student para comparar as variáveis ​​de acordo com a localização do jogo. Os resultados mostram que em Espanha marcam-se menos golos por jogo e em Italia mais golos per jogo. Em Portugal há mais execuções e golos de grandes penalidades e livres diretos, mais faltas e cartões e uma maior percentagem de golos de bola parada em relação ao total de golos. Nos três campeonatos as variáveis ​​de rendimento associadas à vitória foram favoráveis ​​às equipas locais. A comparação dos campeonatos pode permitir que os treinadores tenham um melhor conhecimento das variáveis ​​de rendimento de cada competição e ajudar as federações a saber quais competições estão mais associadas às variáveis ​​determinantes do espetáculo desportivo, em especial os golos, para traçar propostas de melhora nos aspectos relevantes dos campeonatos

    Influencia de la fatiga sobre la toma de decisiones en los árbitros principales de fútbol

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    Objectives: The main objective of this study was to analyse the incidence of fatigue in decision-making in Catalan football’ referees. Secondary objectives were to assess the incidence of fatigue according to their category and years of experience. Methods: The sample was configured by 21 referees (17 men and 4 women) who solved 12 footballs’ game actions before running 2000m and 12 actions after this run. Results: Significant differences (p<0,05) were found in the successes rate before and after the physical effort both in faults and cards, less successes were shown with fatigue. Additionally, significant differences were observed between categories; higher category referees resolved better the game actions (faults and cards) than those with less category. Conclusions: It is important to keep in mind fatigue to analyse successes or errors in referee’s decisions. Likewise, to improve decision-making and physical condition in Catalan footballs’ referees is an aspect to keep working on.Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la incidencia de la fatiga en la toma de decisiones de los árbitros de fútbol. Los objetivos secundarios fueron valorar estas incidencias teniendo en cuenta la categoría y los años de experiencia. Métodos: La muestra fueron 21 árbitros (17 hombres y 4 mujeres) que resolvieron 12 vídeos de jugadas de fútbol antes de realizar una prueba de 2000m y 12 vídeos después de dicha prueba. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en los aciertos antes y después de los 2000m, tanto en las faltas como en las tarjetas, siendo los aciertos menores después de la prueba. Asimismo, los árbitros de mayor categoría acertaron más que los árbitros de categorías inferiores. Conclusiones: La fatiga tiene incidencia en la toma de decisiones arbitrales. Por lo tanto, los árbitros del fútbol catalán deben mejorar la toma de decisiones con fatiga así como la condición física

    Effects of wearing a customized bite-aligning mouthguard on powerful actions in highly trained swimmers

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    The study was supported and funded by the Faculty of Faculty of Psychology, Education Sciences and Sport Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain, grant number PIF1920-PSITICBackground/objectives: The potential advantages of wearing customized bite-aligning mouthguards on several performance parameters such as muscular strength, power and reaction time have been reported. Literature shows that the concurrent activation potentiation phenomenon, elicited by a powered and balanced jaw clenching, can provide athletes with several neuromuscular advantages. The aim of the present study was to investigate the acute effects of jaw clenching while wearing a customized bitealigning mouthguard on swimming start, countermovement jump and swim bench test, in contrast to two other conditions: non-jaw clenching and jaw clenching without mouthguard. Methods: A randomized, repeated measure within study designwas used to compare the condition effect on eight highly trained elite male and female swimmers. Results: Statistical analysis revealed a significant increase in the countermovement jump height (p ¼ 0.041) when comparing the use of mouthguards with the non-jaw condition. In the swim bench, a significant greater time to peak force (p ¼ 0.049) was found when comparing the use of mouthguards with the jaw condition. Although, non-significant effects, small differences were found in the start reaction time and 15-m freestyle swimming when comparing the use of mouthguards with the non-jaw condition. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that wearing customized, bite-aligning mouthguards had an ergogenic effect on specific measures of vertical jump and swim bench test, whereas non-meaningful but small differences were found in swimming start.Faculty of Faculty of Psychology, Education Sciences and Sport Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain PIF1920-PSITI

    The Behaviour of Home Advantage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in European Rink Hockey Leagues

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    The primary purpose of the present study was to compare the home advantage (HA) and the home team performance in the most relevant European rink hockey leagues (Spanish, Portuguese and Italian), considering the presence or absence of spectators in the competition venues due to the effect of COVID-19 restrictions. The sample was composed of 1665 rink hockey matches (654 from the Spanish league, 497 from the Portuguese league, and 514 from the Italian league) played between the 2018–2019 and 2020–2021 seasons. The HA and match variables comparisons were established using several negative binomial regression models. Results showed that the effect of HA did not disappear despite playing without spectators but decreased from 63.99% to 57.41% (p = 0.002). Moreover, the comparison of the match variables showed that playing with spectators benefited local teams’ performance, especially in the Portuguese and Italian leagues. Playing with spectators favoured local team performance in rink hockey matches, which is more evident in some analysed leagues. However, as HA does not disappear entirely without spectators, it is necessary to study other relevant performance factors that are not directly or indirectly attributable to crowd behaviour in rink hockey performance analyses

    The Influence of Individual Set-Pieces in Elite Rink Hockey Match Outcomes

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    The main objective of this study was to analyze the influence of individual set-pieces (Free Direct Hits and Penalties) in elite rink hockey match outcomes in different game situations. A sample of 161 matches played between high-standard teams during ten consecutive seasons (2009–2010 to 2018–2019) were analyzed using a binary logistic regression. The full evaluated model was composed of an explanatory variable (set-pieces scored) and five potential confounding and interaction variables (match location, match level, match importance, extra time, and balanced score). However, the final model only included one significant interaction variable (balanced score). The results showed that scoring more individual set-pieces than the opponent was associated with victory (OR = 6.1; 95% CI: 3.7, 10.0) and was more relevant in unbalanced matches (OR = 19.5; 95% CI: 8.6, 44.3) than in balanced matches (OR = 2.3; 95% CI: 1.2, 4.5). These findings indicate that individual set-pieces are strongly associated with match outcomes in matches played between high-standard teams. Therefore, it is important for teams to excel in this aspect, and it is suggested that these data can encourage coaches to reinforce the systematic practice of individual set-pieces in their training programs. Additionally, it is suggested that teams have specialist players in this kind of action to mainly participate in these specific match moments